maui + indio + dessert

Topman printed button down shirt + River Island chinos  + Topman dessert boots 

Was swamped with work and my new commitment to hit every other day to the G with Y and an M. The past few months was really more than enough to hibernate and to stop this lazy bone inside me. Out of that too much gourmet I gain 5 pounds in just 3 months. WTFart! So it must stop and hit the gym. I don't really want to see myself like my supervisor before. HAHAHAHA! Naughty! Not a bad motivation at all. And finally I got to post something for March. Well, in just 2 weeks from now this month will be over. And that made me realize its COACHELLA soon.  My plans of going to Indio is still not happening. Anyways, I know it will happen soon!